Setup Requirements

Platform & Operating System

  • Linux, Windows Server
  • (Note : For Linux operating system, SELinux must be disabled or set to permissive mode.)

MySql Variables

  • sql-mode : set to not strict. (or simply comment sql-mode or sql_mode variable)
  • max_allowed_packet : should be 64M (Minimum).
  • connect_timeout : should be 300 (Minimum).


  • Zend Optimizer for PHP5.2.x and Zend Guard Loader for PHP5.3.x & PHP5.4 and higher versions.
  • Please disable zend opcache

Tested with Web Browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Netscape
  • IE Edge (Windows 10)
  • IE old versions not recommended for staff portal / admin portal

Server Applications

  • Web Server : Any web server daemon - such as Apache, Nginx, IIS which is fully compatible with the required PHP configuration. If you have mod_security installed on your Apache web server, mod_security must be disabled or your Vision Helpdesk files white listed (exempt from all mod_security rules).
  • PHP : 5.3.x / 5.4.x / 5.5.x / 5.5.6
  • MySQL: 5.1 / 5.5 / 5.6

PHP Modules

  • PHP GD
  • Open SSL (if using IMAP or POP3 SSL to fetch emails)
  • Enable PHP Short Tag ( short_open_tag = On )
  • LDAP (if using AD integration)

PHP Variables

  • max_execution_time=300
  • memory_limit=512M
  • file_uploads=On
  • upload_max_filesize=20M
  • post_max_size=20M
  • max_file_uploads=20
  • max_input_time=300

Vision HelpdeskSetup Requirements